Put it to work!
Complete the assignment as directed by your teacher
Research a female veteran buried in Alexandria National Cemetery and write an op-ed for a local newspaper that explains her contributions and the importance of this cemetery to Alexandria.
Research a female veteran buried in Alexandria National Cemetery and write an op-ed for a local newspaper that explains her contributions and the importance of this cemetery to Alexandria.
Using 5 primary sources, design a museum exhibit for the proposed National Women’s History Museum that traces the contributions, advances, and hardships of women in the military.
Using 5 primary sources, design a museum exhibit for the proposed National Women’s History Museum that traces the contributions, advances, and hardships of women in the military.
To Learn More
For A Woman: The Fight for Pensions for Civil War Army Nurses, Honors Thesis, College of William and Mary, 2013
Tubs and Suds: Civil War laundress in the field, camp, and hospital, Camp Chase Gazette, 2003
Union Army Laundresses, National Genealogical Society Magazine, 2016
Women at the Front: Hospital Workers in Civil War America, Jane Schultz (University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill and London, 2004)